Multi-level marketing companies have been
under the spotlight for various reasons. They are new to people, which makes
them suspicious. Rival companies spreading fraudulent stories on the internet that
most multi-level companies are con, all the more add up to this apprehension. QNET
is a prominent direct selling enterprise, which has borne the brunt of such
false write-ups. However, such rumours will easily fade into oblivion because
of the latest innovation that this network company has developed.
E-shopping is a growing trend in the
multi-level marketing industry. It spells comfort and convenience for common
people like you and me. But people have shown hesitancy in investing to
businesses which uses eCommerce as their platform due to some privacy issues. When
people shop online, they often are sceptical. They worry about giving out their
personal details. But with QNET’s
recently acquired TRUSTe Certification, customers can now shop at its eStore
assured that their personal information is being handled with utmost privacy. TRUSTe
is a global management privacy solutions provider and operates the largest
privacy seal program. The website of this company displays a seal, which shows
their newly acquired certification. This is great news for web shopaholics - they can definitely shop to their heart’s content now!
Compromises cannot be made regarding online
privacy. This factor can make or break the progress of electronic commerce.
This certification has reinforced the authenticity of the company. It was given
to them after a careful review of their online systems, security measures and
privacy policy. The company’s privacy policy is in compliance with the
requirements of TRUSTe. This is a significant news piece and it definitely
proves the falsity in articles like QNET
Mr JR Mayer, Managing Director of this
renowned network marketing empire said, “Online privacy is one of the top concerns of Internet users. Being an
eCommerce business, it is even more important that we protect the valuable
details and transactions of our over 5 million customers worldwide… This
certification is a validation of our commitment to safeguard our customers’
can heave a sigh of relief and can enjoy the delights of -eCommerce. This story
can erase all the questions and doubts in a consumer’s mind regarding safety
and authenticity of shopping from this company’s eStore. Contrary to the
notion, direct selling is not a murky business. This is proven by the company’s
accreditation in Direct Selling Association of Singapore, Malaysia and
Philippines. Reports like QNET Scam
will bite the dust and for once, people can witness the transparency involved
in network marketing. The other benefit of this certification is the
strengthening of people’s trust in online shopping. Network Marketing has been
given a lease of life and many people are signing up to be a part of various
companies. It is a great achievement for this multi-level marketing
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