When Dato’ Sri
Vijay Eswaran founded this multi level marketing company, he may have not even
imagined how far and wide it would have reached. They are known for providing a
wide range of products all under one umbrella. Their personal care products are
very well received by the users and are much talked about. They provide
products, which are holistic. They touch all areas of mankind. That these
products are a great source of health is a well known fact. BioSilver 22 Gel, a
cleansing and sanitizing solution is one of the most amazing products that this
networking company aims to sell. In the present day world, one has absolutely
no time to live a healthy life. They do not look after their diet, let alone
taking time out for skin care. Skin is the most amazing thing that we have. It
tells a lot about us and our activities. Be wide awake along with the owls for
two nights in a row and your skin will give away about your activities. The
skin under your eyes will be dark and worn. There will be bags under them.
Taking care of your skin is very important. Defying the rumours of the QNET
scam, it brings to you BioSilver 22 Gel.
22 Gel gives you the confidence to walk out of your home without being bothered
about the harsh environmental factors. This cleansing and sanitising gel has antibacterial
properties and is 100% scientifically proven. It is great for your skin and
will not, in any way, cause harm. Whether you have dry skin or oily skin, this
is the perfect gel for your skin. It uses the SilverSol Technology. The coating
of silver oxide, which has antibacterial properties,
counteracts bacterial cell membrane. This gel is perfect for everyday use and
must be used externally. Consumption of this gel can be hazardous. Hence, it
can be concluded that the QNET scam
is nothing but fabricated. How can a multi level marketing company as large as
this and selling the most authentic and unique products do such a thing?
research has proven that silver has healing and anti disease properties.
Earlier, water, wine, vinegar and the likes were stored in these silver
containers to stop them from spoiling. The ancient Romans and Greeks have been
using silver as a healing agent. This speaks volumes about the importance of
silver when it comes to health. Incorporating silver into this gel makes
BioSilver 22 Gel a perfect product for those who wish to have a glowing skin
that looks supple and healthy. People are looking at silver as a new
antibacterial phenomenon and are positive that including this ancient metal in
skin care products is nothing but fruitful. QNET scam has been further known to be false by the response this
network marketing company gets from people for its brilliant range of products.
These products are honest and are simple, yet unique and a complex blend of
several new technological methods. Surely, it is a boon to mankind.
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